Tuesday, 29 May 2012

2012 C/L Stunt Nats

The following photos were taken by Norm Kirton and submitted by Peter Somers.

The top three placegetters flew 'dinkum' stunt ships as we understand them today. Peter White took it off again with the Geo XL followed by Phil Trueman with the Dragon Lady (which is a Geo) and then John McMillan with the Genesis, built by Peter White.
Phil and Peter both used Stalker 61's and I think John has a Brodak .40 in the Genesis. These guys are always good to watch. Dave Campbell would have flown but for work commitments; his son Craig flew the white Nobler and a red Chipmunk to 4th place.
Fifth was Kim Parks as a 'trier' with his Max.15 powered foamie and finally Hans vanLeeuwen's grandson Mitchell flew a nice little model with a Max.15 but met the deck..!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Another Combat Wing.....

Lyal Cameron's new Anduril.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Owen's RAMROD reincarnated!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Can Anyone Help??

Hello Friends,
I am sending this 'to many' as I am hoping somebody may recognise my sketch of this Classic "B" Team Racer from 1955-56, 
and be able to tell me something about it.. Was it a kit, or just a plan; and did it have a name..?  Perhaps it was a local's own
design, or it may have been quite well-known in the past. (It's not on Outerzone Plans)
I would much appreciate any help with this search, anyone who knows an 'oldtimer' - who would need to be over 80 years,
please ask, show them a copy of the sketch and see if it is recognised. Any information is worth having.  :-)
This was the first Team Racer I ever saw in action, it had a McCoy .29 BB Redhead and it sizzled..!  I have a McCoy .29 BB now,
so I'm hoping to build a replica. I could draw up a rough copy but that would not be as good, would it.
Thank you for your attention, and any help you can provide.
Peter Somers      (AUS)    08.9444.4312      0402.098.997        peter.som.7@bigpond.com     W.E.A.6016

Some News From The West

The following photos and captions are by Peter Somers of Perth, Western Australia. Thanks Peter.

.This model is Charlie Stones'  SLEEPWALKER, his own design. Nice little touches include the fences at outer ends of the flaps.
His motor in this is a Rustler-MERCO but I am not sure if its a 60, I think it is. Has a power-pipe on it.
Charlie has been having problems with his engine run going too rich at the end of a flight. His tank is a regular tin uniflow he
made, with a wedge that slopes a little out at the back end. The model is different, and pretty cool I think. 
 The fella holding is Craig *****?  I forgot.  He has been flying an arf T-Bird with Fox.35 and a SUPERB engine run, good flyer.

A LARGE diesel which Noel McMillan brought along Saturday.
He had three motors, all seemingly built by the same guy;
Charlie says in Yugoslavia, he suspects.

This motor looks like a 2.5 we think.

This motor is a weenie one, could be a 0.5cc or ?

Does anyone have any more info on these motors? If so, leave a comment.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Jason George's latest....

Jason's Peacemaker powered by an ASP .21 car engine. Jase likes a bit of speed.
I don't think that wooden prop's going to last long though. 

Jason's Armageddon FAI wing powered by PARRA 2.5 glow.

Monday, 14 May 2012

But wait, there's more.....

Owen Cameron's new creation. Powered by PARRA
From Owen.....
Due to the windy conditions on the weekend Jason George and myself  thought we would try out our new hotwire we built.
It was decided to cut some combat leading edges for some FAI wings we decided to build for our new Parra 2.5 Glow engines we bought.
One thing lead to another and in two days this is the result.

More from the Cameron hangar......

Another project underway by Lyal Cameron. Anduril combat wing.  To be powered by a PARRA 2.5 glow.
Lyal Cameron's as yet unpainted Talisman. That forward nosewheel should stop any nose-overs on landing.

The engine is a DC Sabre 1.5 donated by Lyal's dad, Merv.
Lyal's Tazy Rat. Simple Rat Racer powered by Enya .15

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Lyal Cameron's New Peacemaker

Powered by an ASP .15. Flys well according to Owen.

Seems like the Cameron's are the only ones doing any building lately. 

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Owen Cameron's new Ramrod.

The Ramrod reincarnated!