Bits & Pieces

Here are a few downloadable bits & pieces you might find useful.
(Under Construction.....) 

D.I.Y. Control Line Speed Calculator

D.I.Y. C/L Speed Calculator

Full Circle Flyers Logo.

Full Circle Flyers Logo

Flight Box Plans

Flight Box Plans


  1. Hi John, Awesome Blog mate, Great to see all the models & great to see some old names from my past , Can you please let me know where the Townsville guys fly from & what days they fly if you know, Cheers Paul Marsh

  2. Thanks Paul. The T'ville guys fly at Charles Mulroney Park on Hammond Way, Kelso. They are there most Sundays from about 9:00 to 12:00, weather permitting. Bob McKenzie will be there for sure.

  3. Hi John, I have had the EZ 25 on my wish list for some time. How capable do you consider the model? Always thought the wing was a bit of messing around to build. I have never done anything with foam.

    Great site by the way. You did a lot work getting Pete's Plans list posted.

    I love Owen's "They Came From The Country". It would be nice to have a copy of that some time.

    Keep up the good work.

    Regards Steve Vallve KMAC

  4. Thanks for the comment, Steve.

    The EZ25 wing is certainly different but I found it very easy to build and it turned out nice and straight. I used carbon fibre arrow shafts for the trailing edges, which helped.

    I'm not an expert stunt flyer - I'm hardly even a stunt flyer - but I feel it is a good plane. I am building another one at the moment after crashing the original due to some cross wind.
    I think it has placed in some stunt comps in Sth Africa.

