Monday, 31 December 2012

Peter Wisby of Hobart with his Christmas present. (He wishes!) Sorry guys, no more information. Although I think the camera date is wrong.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Bob McKenzie's latest is this Fokker DVII. It's a semi-scale profile slow combat model powered by an OS .29 MkIII with a Grish Bros. 10 x 6 nylon prop. Had its test flight today. A bit windy and the model was twitchy and fast. Some minor adjustments required.

A close-up of the elevator servo.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Control Line Fly-In at Kelly Field, Richmond.
24th & 25th November 2012

Thirty two aircraft turned up with around a dozen pilots. Weather was a bit turbulent but the flight line was busy all weekend. Only a couple of crashes, mainly due to the gusting wind. 
A bit of Rat Race practice, general flying and some "friendly combat" took place on Saturday.
Tony Gray and Peter Allen tied some streamers on and provided great entertainment for the crowd. Tony looped his plane and got his lines tangled around Peter's. While trying to untangle them the VooDoo bit the dust. Tony told me via email on Monday that it is all fixed again and ready for some more carnage.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Lyal Cameron's latest.......

Lyal's Pink Panther powered by a Parra 2.5G

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Peter Allen's Rat Racer.

Peter's only about 6 months too late with this model, but, better late than never!
Very tidy build.  Let's see if it goes as good as it looks. I'm sure it will.

Barry's Spectre. The test flight was postponed today due the  windy weather. 

Friday, 19 October 2012

Barry Champion's new Spectre under construction.

more pictures to come.......

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

And now for something a little different.....

Jim Greenwood has converted his old Blue Pants to electric. He has fully cowled the motor and included cooling ducts. 

Just behind the left hand exhaust stack can be seen a battery isolating plug and socket. Inserting the plug arms the system. A good safety feature and well away from that prop. The cooling duct (red) can be seen in this view. Jim also added a tapered false trailing edge to the wing which gives it a slightly different look.

The specifications are:-
Motor- Thrust 10 /Precision aerobatics
ESC- Arrowind lv 25- Precision Aerobatics
Battery- Turnigy 3 cell 11.1v 1300mah
Motor controller- z tron BSD micro RC LLC [Version 1
Motor control – R415 Micro RX Hobby King TX Parkzone 2.4 GHz DSM2 Hobby King

Jim is going to try both methods of motor control; i.e 2.4 gig radio or Ztron programmable timer. The top front of the fuselage is a removeable hatch which allows easy access to all the electronics so changing from radio to timer is a simple matter of unplugging one and plugging the other in.

Jim tells me he has a couple of more things to do to it and hopefully the test flight will be next Sunday (21/10/12).

Thursday, 11 October 2012

A little late for the Ringmaster Fly-a-thon but here is Lyal Cameron's Ringmaster.  Better late than never.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Ringmaster Fly-a-thon 2012, Tasmania

Four control line flyers from the Launceston and Hobart model aero clubs participated in the Ringmaster annual event on 6th & 7th October clocking up 65 flights. John Moody and Owen Cameron from LMAC clocked up 12 and 15 flights respectively While Barry Champion and Peter Allen of HMAC completed 38 flights using Barry's electric Ringmaster, which was a joy to fly. Personally, I love the smell of castor in the morning! Seriously though, the electric Ringmaster would make an ideal C/L trainer as it was equipped with throttle control which allowed the pilot to land when and where he wanted. Also handy for taxiing back to the pits and there is no need for a pit man or stooge either.

Barry Champion

OS powered Ringmaster

Barry's Ringmaster



A view of the pits.

Ringmaster parade...

Peter Allen flying Barry's Ringmaster.

Here he is again. You couldn't keep him away from it!!