Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Knox MAC All Australian Day

John Lamont sent in these photos of the recent Knox MAC All Australian Day

Central Aircraft Cyclone, HH Demon, HH Frisky

Dave Lacey's Venus after wing folded in flight.

David Nobes All Australain Mk.I

Ken Taylor's All Australian Mk.II

All Australian line-up.

Peter Koch's Aeroflyte collection is still growing.

Three HH Super Skylarks.

More details of the day will be in the next Australian Model News Newsletter.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Sig Twister

Bob McKenzie sent in these photos of his new Sig Twister built from plans. He added a few personal touches such as the clear canopy and different tail fin outline. Test flown yesterday,  the Merco engine would not come on song so aerobatics were out of the question but Bob says it handles beautifully.  He can't wait to wring it out.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

2015 Ringmaster Flyathon

OK, guys. It's getting close to that time of the year again. John Cralley sent me this reminder.
Let's make an extra effort this year. You still have a month or more to build a Ringmaster if you do not already have one.

Not wanting to be left out, Bob McKenzie sent in these photos of his new Jamison Special.
Flys nice once the initial C of G problems were sorted out. Power is by a Sabre .29 with 10 X 6 prop.

An extra feature was the adjustable leadouts not present on the original.

Sabre .29 with home made muffler.


It's been very quiet on the Control Line front down here in Tasmania for a while. Owen Cameron and Jason George braved the chilly weather last Saturday. Owen reports.......

Only me and Jason were keen enough for a fly on Sat. No wind for around 2 hours then it blew up.
We dusted off some of the old regulars, Miss BJ75, The old black widow maker (not quite dusted off) and Jase used his Gold Peacemaker, his Armageddon screamer and his Gemini wing that was taken home in two pieces.
Was generally good first flights were a bit rusty.  I took my Ramrod and Slob but didn’t get to fly them due to the Tassie weather packing up.

Monday, 6 July 2015

New Recruit

Townsville Full Circle Flyers have another flyer to add to their ranks.
Geoff O'Brien has returned to C/L flying after a long break. 

Alan Beggs assisting Geoff on his first flight.

Oops! Dizziness is a bugger!!
The model is from the AIRBORNE  Magazine
Plan Service. Sorry, don't know it's name.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Not a Nobler

Bob Mc Kenzie of Townsville  has just finished the 3rd rebuild of his Nobler. (It's had a hard life!) The only original part is the wing. The fuselage is now a bit of a hybrid and no longer resembles a Nobler hence the name "Wazzsa Nobler".  Test flight details will be posted later.

.....Bob has since flown the model several times and he tells me it is the best "Nobler" that he has flown. 

Alan Beggs has been busy also with his Bill Evans (Aristocrat Models) Thunderbug, 1950's vintage.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Otto and Box Car Chief test flights

Test flight of my Otto The Gyro. Powered by an ASP .25 
it flys nice. You can see it climbs into the wind each lap.
It was a little windy on the day. Phone video.

Test flight of my Box Car Chief. Another nice flyer.
Powered by an OS .29 Mk III. Phone video.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Flying at George Town

It's been a while since our last control line outing so it was good to get back in the air again at George Town. Owen, Lyal, Jason and myself had some good flights - a little carnage with Lyal losing sight of  his model against the sun and Jason having trouble with his Armageddon flying wing coming in on the lines on takeoff.  I broke a prop after trying to glide my Ringmaster too far on landing.

A small price to pay for a good day out. And to finish the day, Owen and Lyal tried a bit of combat using their corflute own design flying wings.

Jason readies his Brodak Super Clown.  A nice performer.

Lyal fuelling up for a bit of combat. The wreckage of his
earlier mishap in the foreground.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Indoor Talisman

Owen Cameron sent in these pics of his own designed Talsiman Indoor electric model. Wingspan 24 inches.