Wednesday, 27 August 2014


Here is my first attempt at rubber power - an Aeroflyte Bambi. Please excuse the wrinkles in the covering, I haven't used tissue since about 1965. A couple of test glides have been promising. A proper test flight  will be done soon. A copy of the plan is on Hip Pocket Aeronautics, but beware, it is not the correct size. My copy came out too large. I have drawn a new CAD plan but it is not quite finished yet.

Notice the 1/16" incidence trim  packing under
the leading edge.

Monday, 18 August 2014

All Australian Day

John Lamont sent me these photos he took of Peter Koch's Aeroflyte collection.
Peter is president of the Knox MAC. Photo taken at their recent All Australian Day.
Nice collection....

Left to right - Valiant, Avenger, Typhoon, Vulcan and Taipan Trainer.

Here's some more photos of the Knox All Australian Day  held in July.

All Australian by Alan Mathieson-Harrison
Geoff Pentland Tempest Mk V by Bob Allison.

Gordon Burford Wombat by John Halliwell.

Hearn's Hobbies Cadet by Doug Grinham

Hearn's Hobbies Demon by Dave Lacey.

Hearn's Hobbies Frisky by Neil Wake.

Hearn's Hobbies Skylark by Bob Allison.

Hearn's Hobbies Super Skylark by  Peter Byrne.

Jim Saftig Super Zilch by  Robin Heirn.

Les Heap Cyclone by  Dave Lacey.

Les Organ Vulcan by Dave Lacey.

All Australian Day line-up.

Knox M.A.C. field.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Announcing the 7th Annual Worldwide Ringmaster
October 4th  & 5th, 2014

Dear fellow model airplane flier,

Because you participated in or may be interested in our Annual Worldwide Ringmaster Fly-A-Thons, I am sending you this e-mail is to alert you about the upcoming 7th Annual Ringmaster Worldwide Fly-A-Thon. We at the Brotherhood of the Ring sincerely hope that you will help us set a new record number of Ringmaster flights!!                                                   
As you may know the Fly-A-Thon is sponsored by the Brotherhood of the Ring, a forum devoted primarily to the wonderful old time Ringmaster control line model airplanes.

If you are not a member of the Brotherhood of the Ring Forum, I urge you to take the time to register at the above link and check out the world of information and the friendly fellow control line modelers you will find there.
The Fly-A-Thon is a non-competitive event to honor the plane that many of us older USA modelers flew back in the 50s, 60s 70s and 80s.

Simply stated, we want to see how many Ringmaster flights can be recorded over a single weekend, the first weekend in October (10/4-5/2014). Last year we recorded 2334 flights (a new record) in number of  different countries worldwide. The simple rules are stated below and I want to direct particular attention to the last paragraph. Recruiting new people to join control line model airplane hobby is an important aspect of this event!

We hope you will join us this year and have fun flying your Ringmasters along with fellow modelers around the World.!!

John Cralley AMA 52183 (for the Brotherhood of the Ring)
Copies files for a Flyer for the event (Adobe PDF and MS Word doc files) are attached to this e-mail. If you flew with us last year please feel free to forward this e-mail to your fellow fliers from last year’s Fly-A-Thon and PLEASE see if you can recruit some new participants for this year. Also feel free to print the flier and distribute it to your local hobby shop and anyone that might be interested.

If you did not fly in last year’s Fly-A-Thon, we hope you will be able to join us this year. As stated above the Flyer has the simple rules for you to follow in order to participate.
If English is not your 1st language you have permission to translate the Flyer file into your own language to share with other modelers!
Below is a summary of the rules:
On October 4 & 5, we challenge you to fly any one or more of the many Ringmasters, old or new, and report your flights to:

Deadline for reporting is 12:00 noon Eastern Daylight time (USA)
 Tuesday October 7, 2014
Location: Wherever you are!
Please report how many different Ringmasters flew, how many total
Ringmaster flights were made and the location of these flights.

You may also report how many different pilots flew, how many Ringmasters were flown at the same time and what type of Ringmasters were flown.

Also, if you get someone new to solo on a Ringmaster, that flight will count as 2 flights! Let us know how many new solo flights we have too! If this will help promote new flyers by flying the same plane so many of us started with, this would be a bonus!

If you would like copies of PDF files for regular S-1 or 1/2A Ringmaster plans, send a request to the e-mail below!

Direct any questions

This is all about celebrating Control Line modeling!!!!