Friday, 16 December 2016

P39 Airacobra

Peter White forwarded these photos to me from Mike Jennings in the U.S. for inclusion in Peter's Control Line Plan listing. Mike's done a nice job so I thought I'd display them here.......

This is my scratch built P-39 Bell Airacobra.  Completed it this spring (Apr 2016).
The plans are by Walt Pyron.
The good feature of this design is the engine is horizontal (similar to a profile aircraft.)
Below are photos of the Walt Pyron P-39.

Feel free to use any of these for your plans listing.

Below is some of the P-39 particulars;
Wing Span:     53.0 inches
Wing Area:     570 sq. inches
Wing Load:     10.0 sq. in./oz.
Engine:           OS Max LA 46
Fuel System:  6 oz. Uniflow
Weight:          56.7 oz.
Building Time:  145 hours
T Michael Jennings
Knoxville, TN.

Sunday, 30 October 2016


It's been very quiet on the control line front down here in Tasmania. 
But it looks like Owen Cameron has broken the drought by building something a little different.
He was given an old Super Tigre .35 Combat engine and wanted something with which to try it out.
The model is a .35 sized Ringmaster beefed up to withstand the extra G's. The wing is constructed the same as an Armagedon combat wing. Light and strong.
The engine has been run and screams it's guts out! Now to wait for a new pair of wheels to arrive and some suitable weather, strong lines and some steady nerves.

The new .35 Ringmaster with it's .15 sized baby brother.

The Super Tigre .35 combat engine.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Ringmaster Flyathon

Here are the results of the 9th Annual Ringmaster
Flyathon for 2016.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

OK. It's coming up to that time of year again. The Annual Ringmaster Flyathon.

About a week to go...........
Note the 5 lap rule mentioned above.