Sunday, 19 August 2012

Hi Guys
I am pretty proud of what my eldest boy has done.
He has just finished sticking on a bit of bling. Only the white canopy to be painted on the lead outs finishing and a control horn on the elevator to go.
It looks the part. It would be a good model for some of the hobart guys returning to C/L. It designed for a 1.5cc engine.
Regards Owen

Good job, Justin. You build better than your dad!!  :-)

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Hi Guys
My son Justin  (3rd generation modeller) decided to try his hand at modelling again. So withonly a little of dads help, a bit of direction and a few checks along the way we have a transforming Frog Talisman almost ready. The deal is "you build you fly" so I cant wait to train him in the circling art.
Talisman is powered by an OS10 and I am told it will have a  red Fuselage with white wing and a bit of bling added after.
The future will only tell.
Regards Owen